Saturday, January 22, 2011

I'm not sure through all this fighting if i have achieved anything,i mean i won by getting mikiya in school,but how much schooling does she actually attend...well really,not much.
She started school on september 15th without one person asking about taxes.
However there hasn't been a day that she has been sympton free,the average healthy child gets sick every 14-28 days,mikiya is sick again before she has fought off the last one.
She is a resiliant child with an amazing attitude,whom says she is sick all the time because i accepted her that way...remember the fight mommy...remember?

Ok so maybe this child has heard too much and is really following in her mothers foot steps..i guess its true the apple really doesn't fall far from the tree.

We have recently run into new developements with mikiya's health,the doctors fear that with her being so sick recently and attenting school that mikiya is right on the verge of her lungs collapsing again,this almost killed her two years ago.
The doctor has ordered that we have a compressor at home,along with the medication that goes in the machine,it will be portable and easy for her to carry around.

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