Friday, January 30, 2009

The Autopsy results are in......

The autopsy results are in for baby cassidy,sure she died from starvation,but with meaning.

During the procedure the M.E concluded that cassidy's brain stem was completely severed,this means that yes she could have survived,but not with meaning,she would have breathed on her own for quite some time,but for the rest of her life would remain in a vegatative state.

Her injuries were so severe,that she was blind and deaf.

Her brain bleeds were so bad,that her blood pockets traveled through her brain to depths that couldn't be reached nor repaired,thus causing a majorty of her paralysis.

The autopsy also concluded that cassidy's injuries happened 4-5 days prior then suspected,which means that her injuries did not happen while in her grandfathers care.

Sure her injuries may have happened while in her mothers care,there is still no proof that her mother actually had anything to do with it,there were a few other people in the home leaving her oblivious to the injuries.

Let's remember that there was a young couple in the home with a new infant,jess with cassidy,her boyfriend,plus at times numerous other friends.

The police have come back asking all members of the house at that time to take a polygraph test the only person declining the test is jessica's 16 year old boyfriend.

Now going back to cassidy's grandfather,he was the first suspect,he has drug and alcohol addictions.
He also had a 9 year old daughter in the house.
While i was speaking with a police officer,whom was more then duvulging with information,as though i was a reporter

The 9 yr old in the home was so badly beaten that she had bruises on top of bruises,months and months of almost torture.
He said that this child was taken out of the home and placed with a foster family outside of the province as though to keep her safe.

The case is still ongoing,but with all hopes should be solved soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OMG how aweful about the 9yr old girl- thank goodness she is out of the home now!
May Baby Cassidy rest in peace! What a heartbreaking story!