Saturday, April 11, 2009

It's been a long haul...but we;re up and running.

I just came to the realization that it has been two months since my last post.
It's not that i had nothing to me i did and alot has happened in that short time.
I ended my last post with baby cassidy's passing,and this tuesday april 14 she will be laid to rest,i will be attending her burial.
April the 14th is also Mikiya's 3rd Birthday!!
March 10th was the 1st Birthday of baby Torran,the baby that made such an impact upon my being.
We have run into some medical problems with mikiya this winter,none wich we thought we would have to face,we thought that since she was turnin three that things would start to look up.....boy were we wrong.
Mikiya had gotten a cold,one wich was passed around the family not once but twice,i somehow eluded the cold and watched as each family member had it twice.
Mikiya couldn't break the cold down,i took her to the doctor and he said that she needed to fight it naturally,a week later the cold turned into a squeeky cough,a cough that i know as RSV.
She suddenly became very ill within a matter of hours,she was really struggling to breathe,we took her to the emergency room where they diagnosed her with RSV again,gave her a prescription a sent us home.
The next day she was so lethargic,she didn't move,and she was struggling to breathe,she wouldn't eat nor drink.
Once again we were off to emerg,we had gotten the same doc the night before,he seen her chart and came right in,her o2 saturation was @ 88% which is not very promising.
After some testing this was her diagnosis...severe dehydration,2 collapsed lungs and double phneumonia.
At this point she was receiving ventilation treatments every 2 hours,i watched as my 2 yr old daughter was yet again fading away before my eyes,and as a doctor stood before me i heard the words that i had heard when she was born.
They can't do much for her,and that if congestive heart failure where to set in then she would just die.
They can't open her up,they really have no treatment for a baby in her condition,a nurse even turned to my mother and said...this is not good,she is even scaring me.
I didn't want to hear those words.
Again we have come through with trial and error,mikiya made it home and was cured after two rounds of prednisone and antibiotics.
She lost a great amount of weight and is back down to 16lbs.
Greatfuly again she has mended and is back to her sassy little self.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yay for Mikiya, and yay for you Shelley!! Glad to hear things are slowly on the up again :)